1 John 6:16-17
There has been much debate around these verses. The central questions is, ‘what is a sin that leads to death?’ Broadly speaking, the ideas of what this mean fall into three categories:
- There are sins that God actively punishes with death. The most obvious example of this is Ananias and Sapphira, who lied about their offering to God and were struck dead. The big question with this belief is how do we know what they are. On this account, the Bible is silent.
- There are sins that cause us to be killed. For example, you caused a fight and the Roman soldiers punished you with death. The punishment from society for your actions meant that your life was cut short.
- There are sins that lead to spiritual death. This is similar to the teaching around the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, that is unforgivable.
There are many opinions but there is little to give us clarity to what he means in these words. However, the intrigue into the mystery of these words can distract us from the point that he is trying to make. He wants us to pray for people who are sinning. All sin eventually leads to death bit we can pray for people and they can find life. This isn’t life after death but life and freedom today.
This idea may seem uncomfortable to many as we live in a liberal society where we live and let live. However, he is not suggesting that we pray for everyone who lives in a way that is counter to the teachings of Jesus but for fellow believers. Instead of complaining or gossiping about people whose lives have gone off track we are told that if we pray, that God will restore them. Prayer changes lives.
If someone is alive and worshipping God but living sinfully then we know that they are neither spiritually or physically dead. We serve one another by praying for them. This puts the emphasis for transformation on God and not us, allowing us to focus our energy and attention on the work of love.
- Why do you think that sin is such a problem?
- Why do we get so fixated on other people’s sins?
Think of someone in your church who has committed a sin. Humbly and lovingly pray for them, that God will heal them and lead them to a place of freedom and life. If it is a cycle then pray that God will being it to an end and if they have hurt you through this then forgive them and pray for God to bless them.